
4 majors types of Humanity Crisis that we all must recognige well!

Worldly scholars and sages of the ancient time once said that : " Where there are presents of the Power of Law, the Power of Intellectual-Knowledge, the Power of Glorious-Politics, and the Power of Guiding-Leaders, within those 4 natural-powers, that is where the Worldly-scholars and Worldly-sages came to define as the origins to the birth of Justice, Independence, Peace, and Safe-security of all kinds. It can be put into a simple analogy this way: "Those 4 beings of Powers are like a gigantic piece of Stone, so wherever the gigantic stone preserves, all kinds of grasses, and plants of ignorant can no longer develop or grow anymore, because that is a place of ecstacy pleasantness of humanity in the World.
However, for the world today wherein the most advanced period of human history, the world is rich in schools of Laws, schools of General-Education, schools of Politics, and with leadership of all levels including many Governmental-Organizations, Non-Governmental-Organizations, Religious-Organizations, and many many other Political-Organizations which co-exist in almost everywhere of the world, in spite of these many institution-establishments, they are still unreliable; thus leaving perhaps 7 billions people far behind with unsolved-conditions; thus mankind humankind getting stuck in 4 types of Humanity-crisis:

1. The Crisis of Poisoning-Food causes people to become sabotaged in their life-spans, color of skins, physical-health with their strength going down.

2. The Crisis of Emotional-labour which are expanded into other forms else: unemployment-rates increasing, occupational-crisis, conflict of real-estates in regard of unfair-distribution of possessions cause people to be divided and involved with certain groups resulting in waging war, and killing each other as such.

3. The Crisis of Human-Sentimentality-Decay that causes people to be conflicted at one another  becoming prejudice, aggressive, malice, condemning each other, and biased to a particular side of a party as such.

4. The Crisis of Human-Intellect and Wisdom (Ignorant) causes people to believe in non-sense, learning fragile things, speaking after the fragile-things, and following after the fragile things that do not favor and support lives to sustain unity but favor destruction of separation as result.

The four of these humanity-crises have happened for hundreds of years ever since, yet there have not been any Political, Cultural, Social,  and Religious-scholars, sages to have had appeared in the world, thus for pointing out such effective-practical-genuine solutions in ensuring that Justice, Independence, Peace, Security and Human-Safety could successfully make to happen. On the other hands, those so called-intellectual people including the leader of powerful-nations turn their visions as well as their attentions to compete for materials-winner, compete in the fragile-theory for the economy-winning of their own, compete to build and sell weapons, and compete to have control over the world.

What roles do guardians of all levels in the world, from the parents up to the United Nations
have duty to problem-solving for the sake of humanity? What are you playing with your crucial roles and obligations right now for the World? If you do not know what your roles are and what you could achieve in certainty, please let me take part to contribute and share my voice for the role and compassion as a single Worldly-citizen of this Planet-Earth. Please Do not let people born by accidental-probability, live and learn by accidental-probability, and die out by accidental-probability like a beast. It is so hurt for me as well as for many other people around the world to see this!

To the beloved People of the World!

One shall never try to solve the history of humanity which is being handcuffed; the reason is because people of the world right now are being fragile and divided by many pieces, laws, parties of groups, creeds,  in which all of these were hugely supported by ignorant and perfidious-activities. The desire of navigation to lead this way could simply be compared as someone is walking into the center of a hurricane getting his body smashed into many pieces and die miserably dues to driven of compulsion and impulsion of desire.

May all leaders and people of the world have paid a deep attention diligently to see such profoundly thoughts of thinking this way that:   

  • A flag is surely seen as the identity of a nation.
  • Smoke is surely seen as the identity of fire.
  • Material is surely seen as the identity of desire.
  • Weapon is surely seen as the identity of mafia or thug.
  • Gambling is surely seen as the identity of the menace.
  • While Wisdom is surely seen as the identity of all sages and scholars.
May all the people, especially to every leader of every nation, have studied thoroughly about this world and to every single dimension of it until seeing that millions of problems only need a key to unlock. Only until that moment, you could have ability to act as a problem-solver that jams in the issue of Humanity-history indeed.

Credits of the images given Unicef of the UN, and Google, and to some unknown photographers. Thanks you (: ! 


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