Kids and the Future
How do the World see that Kids as their Future?
I am pondering! What about you all?
How do we see kids as the future of us here and to the entire world? This question should be clarified in a thoughtful way, isn’t it? Think about it this way that, what are our actions today will become consequences to our kids and everything else tomorrow. So, basically, although kids are the most precious things of all, but at the same time they are the most vulnerable things at most.
I am pondering! What about you all?
How do we see kids as the future of us here and to the entire world? This question should be clarified in a thoughtful way, isn’t it? Think about it this way that, what are our actions today will become consequences to our kids and everything else tomorrow. So, basically, although kids are the most precious things of all, but at the same time they are the most vulnerable things at most.
What we mean of something as the future here is a big question to humanity today? Here, from the culture of the East, what is essentially known as the future, we determine within ourselves by our conscious-actions in the present moment. If we are making anything unconsciously or bad actions today; that will bring up to form bad future-time or future-effect tomorrow. Therefore, kids are the forces as well as the source of society to bring up the nation of course, but they are not our future! Indeed, kids are the bond between present and the future, thus they are the most precious thing then any ages of all.
It is time, soon, that we people here of the East and the people of Khmer along with everyone else in other regions of the world, who live boundfully with their consciousnesses thus have already awaken, must stand together to make our voices be heard so that the people of the world could hear us. In macro level, we can only handle problems responsively and genuinely together unless we unite, thus we will be able to form a safe and better future of our kids, our countries, and our interconnected-world of every dimension it should be.
It is time to stop these irresponsible-speeches as well as mis- perceptions and insights which have been already made by those some World-Leaders whose self-confidences are over the logical simplicity of life and nature. All have beeb made just to lure the public using the medias as putting in cool forms of arragnments that " The Kids are our future."
Kids are not our future, in contrast, we just owe them their future simply because the future of them held in the hands of every of us in this moment right now! What is future? The future means all the four dimentions of acvitities going inside evvery one of us that has been realese in all forms of actions out to the world and the Universe shapes the kind of consequences that totally affects the outcome of tomorrow.
Credits of images given to Google and some unknown designers
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