Don't be the victim of blooded ideologies

 "Every destructive images which are seen by people's eyes, mostly are considered to be civil wars, indeed these are the consequences of the clash between Democracy and Communism."

"Meanwhile the essence that can not be seen by the eyes, is falling into the hand of humanity-injustice, injustice for people in power as well as injustice for the victims. Such recent events are happening in Myanmar, however, all of which are not new for humanity to hear. Simply because all clashes as well as confrontations which have happened in the history passed by, are seen to have only ordinary people whose tendency toward democracy, having lost their lives, while capitalism, militarism hardly become the victims at all. The question is : are the minor the poor and the uneducated born only to be waiting to become corpses of the two ideologies? And for you, the people in power, are you born to become the puppet living for accompany to both ideologies that already stained very much in blood like today? Or something else? This is why the Voice for Humanity's Values(VHVs) dares to claim that both parties are equally considered as the victims."

"This​ is not only Myanmar's stuff, not Thailand, not Vietnam, not Lao, not Cambodia, not Asian, not Indo-China, because the nature of fire when it begins if not extinguished at where it starts, it will lead on everywhere. When fire spreads on, both the poor and the rich will not live in peace but in fear. That is the reason why VHVs dares to say that do not wait until fire gets on your country, only then you wake up to begin thinking. Nonetheless, This is the issue of destruction to humanity, it is an issue that we all have to think and to ponder thoroughly about such cases of war-flame."



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