For native indigenous refugees and minorities around the world

« Till now, persecution of humanity is still a solution of leaders’ inappropriate politics. Blood cannot be cleaned by blood. Do we have right to stay and live on this earth peacefully? »

« We are the poor, we don’t want to be rich, we only need land to stay on, we only need food to eat daily, we only need water to drink, we only need shelter to sleep, we only need our kids to be happy, we just require the fundamental needs. Why is it hard for you all leaders to make us feel warm to live in your shade of power? »

« Ethic minorities are also human like all of you in developed countries. We were born here to be human, just to stay here temporarily. We don’t need power to dominate anyone. We were born to make friends, not your enemies. Why you killed us? Why you evacuate us to be out of our homeland? »
« It’s our fault to be born on this land? It is hurt for us in the name of humanity like all of you. »

8th April 2021, Phnom Penh City, Cambodia
Voice for Huamnity's Values (VHVs)

Photos: Refugees around the world
Mardy Lam, នាវា ត្រីភព and 5 others


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