What does the Economic-Growth mean?
Economic-Growth? “ If humanity in this generation begins to sell their lands, cut the trees, abolishes lakes, ponds, canals, also rice-fields becoming ranges of flats, factories, and lakes becoming big buildings, the question is how will people in the following generations be able to survive in an ecological state of balance, knowing types of plants, animals, and the so called magnificent of green nature? Or they will perhaps only know the emissions of toxic-air from cars, bikes, factories, gross-smell, this already happens anyways. Not a question anymore, even in the countryside paces of science begin to grab all nature and lands and everything in that boundary. "🙏 “ Nature has one very professional architectural-structure called the Law of the Creator. This creator has paved-ways for creation to possibly happen, thus made it into a beautifully perfection-state of balancing; hence it goes along with a pure sustaining-system. It does not matter how smart men are, ...